"In her third collection "Dualism" Kristina S.Vučković (KSV Jewellery) explores the conflicts between the essential antagonists; light versus darkness, soft versus hard, organic versus graphic...These contrasts provide the perspective to see the unseen beauty.
Kristina's marked design is evident and consistent and as always situated somewhere in the space between art and fashion."
Text: Cecilia Radkiewicz
Photo: Ninja Hanna Film: Emil Klang & Xoaher Musavvir Hair & Set Desig: Kristina S. Vučković Make: Pari Damani Stylist: Ulrika Lindqvist Models: Johanna Welinder aka Yoyo Nasty Music:
Producer - Martin Ehrencrona, Piano - Jonas Drejholt, Cello - Cecilia Radkiewicz & Marxophone - Kristina S. Vučković