co85404Sep 18, 20171 minShooting film x At SixFilming promotion film for collaboration with Hotel At Six! #ksv #ksvjewellery #kristinasvuckovic #atsix #hotelatsix #jewellerydesigner...
co85404Jul 27, 20171 minPhoto shoot x At SixPhoto: Harry Rudd Photo: Harry Rudd Results from yesterday during a photo shoot & film recording for Hotel At Six. #ksv #ksvjewellery...
co85404May 12, 20171 minAt Six StoreNow you can buy the X-collection for Hotel At Six at their web shop! All Jewellery is special designed for At Six and handcrafted by...
co85404Feb 27, 20171 minX collectionSneak Peak of the X collection, KSV Jewellery collaboration with Hotel At Six! #ksv #ksvjewellery #kristinasvuckovic #kristinasvučković...